School of Logic

Students in the logic stage of learning are inherently driven by curiosity, leading them to explore, inquire, and seek a more profound understanding of the world around them.

In the School of Logic, students start to grasp the nuances of cause and effect, develop critical and in-depth thinking skills, and deepen their faith through the study of significant ideas and texts anchored in a biblical worldview. Valor’s educators guide students toward key academic and developmental benchmarks, such as organizational competence, autonomous learning, personal accountability, and effective time management. As students mature, parents transition from being primary instructors to serving as mentors and coaches, all while the student assumes greater responsibility under the attentive support of both teachers and parents.


Fostering a passion for history, reading, and writing is a cornerstone of education at Valor. Through our comprehensive curriculum, students mature into skilled writers and enthusiastic readers, enabling them to tackle increasingly complex texts and classical literature. The dynamic structure of our Humanities block allows for an immersive exploration of historical epochs alongside the study of corresponding literary classics. Our educators focus on honing students’ communication skills through an intensive examination of the English language. This includes sentence diagramming, vocabulary enrichment, and paper editing. As students refine their communication abilities, they are better equipped to articulate their thoughts in speeches and engage in meaningful discussions. This educational approach empowers students to draw interdisciplinary connections, think autonomously, communicate with confidence, and cultivate a love for learning.

In our mathematics curriculum, the emphasis extends beyond mere proficiency in problem-solving to include a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. We aim to inspire students to engage rigorously and creatively with the subject. Mathematics is presented both as a valuable tool for comprehending the world and as a divine creation of intricate beauty. Our program ensures that your child will not only become adept at solving problems but will also develop a genuine appreciation for the subject. Students are thus equipped to appreciate the elegance and utility of mathematics while tackling both theoretical and real-world challenges.

The primary objective of our science curriculum is to explore how the intricacies of creation reflect the character of God. We find joy in the meticulous design, order, and creativity that pervade the natural world, all of which point us back to a magnificent Creator. Beyond this, the study of science cultivates intellectual virtues like curiosity, focus, and meticulousness—qualities that extend beyond the confines of the classroom. Students depart from our science courses invigorated by the awe-inspiring design of God’s creation and well-prepared for continued exploration and understanding of the natural world.

Clear communication stands as a central tenet of Valor’s educational philosophy across all subject areas. Our foreign language curriculum, particularly Latin, aligns with our mission to equip students to positively impact culture for God’s glory. Mastery of Latin serves as a gateway to understanding multiple languages, offering students foundational insights into the mechanics of language itself. Latin not only facilitates the learning of modern Romance languages but also enriches students’ grasp of English vocabulary and sentence structure. A significant portion of English’s polysyllabic words have Latin origins, and our Latin curriculum is carefully designed to enhance English vocabulary. At Valor, students are actively engaged in the grand discourse of Western Civilization and global culture, and a key component of this engagement is the enriching study of Latin.

The Bible curriculum for Valor’s School of Logic is designed to foster a foundational understanding of Scripture while deeply engaging students in discipleship. Aligned with our mission to ‘cultivate fervent disciples of Jesus,’ it is imperative that our students are well-versed in God’s Word and comprehend His overarching narrative of creation and redemption from Genesis to Revelation. To this end, the curriculum offers an in-depth study of the Old Testament in the 6th and 7th grades, and the New Testament in the 8th grade. Our aim is for students to grasp God’s ongoing work through comprehensive biblical study and to understand their role in this divine narrative through discipleship.

Parent Partnership

As students transition into the School of Logic (grades 6-8) and gain increasing autonomy, the parental role shifts from that of a co-teacher to a ‘guide for dependent study.’ In this capacity, parents assist teachers in ensuring that students fulfill their academic responsibilities. Given the varied pace of child development, the specific role of each parent may differ. Although teachers serve as the primary educators during the Logic School years, parents are still expected to grade assignments completed at home, participate in discussion-based tasks, and mentor their children in the ongoing development of effective study habits. Detailed descriptions of the evolving roles parents assume throughout their child’s educational journey are outlined in the Valor Parent & Student Handbook.

Class Trips

At Valor, both brief field trips and extended class excursions serve as vital complements to our curriculum. While classroom teaching remains our primary instructional method, these trips significantly enhance and reinforce the learning experience in impactful ways. Each trip is meticulously planned to align with specific educational objectives. Typically, each grade embarks on one trip per semester. One trip aims to nurture students’ spiritual growth—both in their relationship with God and with others—while the other focuses on academic enrichment. However, these two aspects are always interrelated in the classical educational model. For younger Logic School students, trips are shorter and confined to the Central Texas region. As students progress, the scope of the trips expands, culminating in an 8th-grade capstone journey to Washington, DC, led by the Valor Student Life Director and the 8th-grade humanities teacher.

Humanities Reading List

  • Book of Greek Myths
  • Black Ships Before Troy
  • The Wanderings of Odysseus
  • Hittite Warrior
  • Aeneas: Virgil’s Epic Retold for Younger Readers
  • The Eagle of the Ninth
  • The Golden Goblet
  • Julius Caesar
  • The Art of Poetry
  • The Hobbit
  • The Sword and the Circle
  • Beowulf: Dragon Slayer
  • Trumpeter of Krakow
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine
  • The Canterbury Tales retold
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • The Adventures of Robin Hood
  • The Art of Poetry
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • The Prince and the Pauper
  • selections from The Divine Comedy
  • The King’s Fifth
  • Henry V
  • I, Juan de Pareja
  • Stories from the Faerie Queene
  • Faustus
  • The Art of Poetry

Class Size and Schedule


Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Tuesdays/ Thursday Home Days 

Tuesdays/ Thursday Optional Study Hall, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Class Size

Two sections of 16 students for each grade

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