Fine Arts

As we intentionally set out to cultivate a school culture that loves the true, good and beautiful, the arts awaken our hearts to wonder and imagination and inspire us to create as God designed us to do and enjoy his unlimited goodness.

The Fine Arts are interwoven and experienced in concert with the historical time periods that are explored school-wide. Whether that be through music, art, theater, all are embraced and celebrated as an intrinsic reflection of the character of God.


Art education at Valor is rooted in the understanding of God as the Supreme Artist. Reflecting the creative essence of our Creator (Genesis 1:26-27), we recognize the inherent artistic potential in everyone. Our structured art curriculum starts in kindergarten and continues through 8th grade, covering the fundamentals of artistic elements, design principles, and classical drawing techniques. Students engage with diverse mediums, including painting, sculpture, weaving, and printmaking, while also studying iconic masterpieces from art history. For Rhetoric School students, advanced elective art courses are available to further hone their artistic skills and knowledge.


Inspired by Scriptural calls for joyful praise and heartfelt worship, Valor aims to instill in students both the technical skills for musical expression and a deep-seated love for music as a divine gift. Our comprehensive music program engages students from PreK to 8th grade in weekly classes. These sessions encompass a range of activities, from active listening and rhythmic movement to music theory, history, vocal training, and instrumental play. Using proven methods of pedagogy, we seek to give each student a strong foundation in music so students can build upon it for years to come. This begins with discriminate listening and response to music, continues with replication of increasingly difficult musical patterns, and ends with a functional knowledge of music notation and confidence in performance. Our students are exposed to the traditional and classical music of our heritage, including folk songs of Western culture, hymns of the Christian heritage, and masterpieces of the great composers from the four predominant periods of the arts: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern.


Valor’s Theater Arts program, available from 9th to 12th grade, offers students a comprehensive platform to hone their acting skills and deepen their appreciation for the art form. The curriculum focuses on key performance aspects such as vocalization, characterization, blocking, articulation, and projection.

Courses offered: Introduction to Theatre, Fall and Spring Production and a Senior Leadsership Class Each year production classes produce a fall and spring mainstage for the community. Students who are introduction to Theatre will be part of a showcase for students and familes each semester. These experineces are invaluable to students as they have the opportunity to have this experience as a capstone of their semester’s study.